At Scholar Specialized Treatment Services we provide telemedicine as an option for clients who are under medical management, but unable to come into the office for appointments with their physician or practitioner. Telemedicine can assist you in avoiding missed appointments which places you at-risk of symptom exacerbation or even a crisis in some instances. Making your appointments and having appropriate healthcare management for individuals under medical management is key to successful and positive treatment outcomes.
Telemedicine allows for remote doctor-patient consultations, diagnosis, and treatment utilizing electronic communications to provide clinical services at a distance. It reduces the need to travel to the office and gives you the flexibility of obtaining medical management services and treatment whenever you need it at the location of your choice. All you need is access to a computer and/or smartphone with a strong internet connection. In addition, Telemedicine also reduces the need for sitting in a waiting room. Instead of filling out a bunch of forms and waiting to get called, you can fill in a form online and see your physician or practitioner in an instant.
The following forms of Telemedicine are utilized at Scholar Specialized Treatment Services:
- Video chat
- Videoconferencing
- Psychiatric evaluation
- Comprehensive Assessment
- Individual Therapy
- Group Therapy
- Family Therapy
- Patient Education
- Medication Management
- Follow-up visits with your physician or practitioner.
- Practitioner-to-Practitioner Consultation
- e-Prescribing
Some of the benefits of Telemedicine:
- Consultations completed with medical specialists such as Neurologists or Endocrinologists.
- Videoconferencing completed with patient and other healthcare professionals.
- Physician review of test results & treatment recommendations using secure devices.
- Access to services anywhere from large urban areas to underserved rural communities.
- Integrative treatment between behavioral health and primary care physician or specialist.
- Earlier intervention to reduce the need for a higher level of care.
- Decrease barriers to missed appointments, improve continuity of care and follow-up.
- Reduce delays in care when needed.
- Reduced need for time off work, childcare, & transportation, thus saving you time and money.
- Reduces stigma, anxiety, and fear for some individuals as services can provided virtually.
- You choose the location of services based on comfortability, convenience and privacy.